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You may know genetics can play a role in metabolism and weight management, but nutrigenomics (the study of the effects of foods and food constituents on gene expression) can play a positive role in preventing eye diseases and improving wellness.

At The Vision Development Team, we use nutrigenomics to help understand how various genes affect elements like our metabolism, energy expenditure, inflammation levels, and blood pressure. For someone suffering from a chronic disease, knowing their unique genetic factors could be invaluable. By knowing their genetic mutations, their nutrition and supplement regimens can be customized to meet their individual specific needs thereby helping to create optimal outcomes. Think of it as the right vitamin, in the right amount for your genetic blueprint.

Our comprehensive DNA Wellness analyzes over 100 genetic markers in three wellness phases:

  • Phase 1: Inflammation, Autophagy, and Neurotransmitters.
  • Phase 2: Methylation, Mitochondria, and Detoxification.
  • Phase 3: Vitamins & Minerals, Diet & Gastrointestinal, and Men’s or Women’s Health

Once the results are processed, personalized recommendations are made that includes guidance on nutritional supplements and lifestyle choices for each foundational wellness area. It makes for a great foundation when paving the path for optimal wellness.

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