about our vision therapy practice

Here at The Vision Development Team, it is our goal to make sure that our patients have the vision skills needed to meet the rigorous demands of school, work, and sports. Optimal vision encompasses more than 20 different skills! We train VISION beyond 20/20 eyesight.

Vision problems can be due to inefficient eye teaming skills, reduced eye focusing skills, or inadequate visual processing skills. We are here to help with these skills! Our team of internationally known eye doctors and providers use eye tracking technology, optometric performance equipment, and the most current techniques available to train your eyes, brain, and body to work better and faster, with optimal accuracy.

Our award-winning team will work with you and customize a vision training program based on your specific needs. We will be sure to discuss your program with you and address any concerns you may have. During your vision training sessions, you will experience a multi-sensory approach as you develop your vision skills. Call us today at  (440) 230-0923 to schedule a consultation!

“About the Painting”

The painting above is a “Thank you gift” from one of our clients who came to us after suffering a brain injury. You will find it hanging near the front desk at our North Royalton, Ohio location. This painting has a tremendous amount of meaning as it tells the story of how hearts can be mended and the world can be seen as a brighter, happier place, when vision skills are improved.

The man who painted this picture for us explained that prior to coming to us, he was crawling around in a dark place (upper left corner). Someone told him that he should come to our office for a vision evaluation. He came not knowing what to expect, or even if vision was the biggest concern. After his vision evaluation, he was prescribed an individualized program to meet his needs. It was during his therapy that he “saw the light”. You can see the sunshine in the middle of the picture which represents joy, warmth, hope, and an eyeball all at once. You will also notice our company logo with the blue and red people. As a result of therapy his heart was mended and this man felt a new energy; ready to climb the mountains of everyday life!

Many people are moved by this man’s painting. Eyes have been filled with tears as whispers of hope saying “that is what I’m looking for” are expressed. For all we have served, we are grateful for you too. You inspire us every day to change lives through our unique sensory focused approach to building the visual skills needed for everyday life and so much more!

Celebrating Over 20 Years Anniversary