As I drove with Andrew to his appointment today, I looked across at the young man sitting next to me in the front seat of the car and was incredulous. Reflecting on when we first started treatment, I remembered that he was so young and so fatigued that he would fall asleep in the car both from the drive and from the therapy.

From vision therapy to auditory processing work using integrated listening systems (ILS), to reflex integration, to ortho-K contacts, to sports vision therapy, it has been an incredible journey. Stressful, exhausting, time-consuming, and demanding, but ever so worth it to see the polite, confident young man he has become.

We have consulted and learned from many therapists throughout these last 16 years but one, in particular, had such an enlightening approach and such breakthrough treatments that I would like to single her out.

Our experiences with Patti Andrich and the Vision Development Team has been ongoing since 2015. They are all consummate professionals dedicated to helping the child to both overcome any barriers but also to excel. Patti’s way of evaluating, handling, encouraging, coaching and treating both Andrew and us is superb. When situations present themselves, she listens carefully, takes our input and is open to implementing whatever changes are necessary to accomplish our shared goals. Her upbeat and energetic style is both refreshing and motivating. Her ability to relate to and motivate the child is incredible.

Patti Andrich has led us through such a comprehensive and successful treatment plan over the course of more than 8 years to help to bring Andrew to the next level of both academics and athleticism. He has contributed in many team sports including football, basketball, and baseball as well as individual sports such as golf and skiing. She has enabled him to pursue his passions and continue to play sports at a competitive level into high school. Patti’s steady guidance, creative approach, and unbridled enthusiasm,  Andrew’s fierce determination, and our support made all of this possible.

Congratulations to Patti Andrich and the Vision Development Team on this well-deserved award.

All our best.

Kathy and Dave