Learn About Our Vision Therapy Experts In Beachwood & North Royalton - Optometrists Near You:
Here at The Vision Development Team, it is our goal to make sure that our patients have the vision skills needed to meet the rigorous demands of school, work, and sports. Optimal vision encompasses more than 20 different skills! We train VISION beyond 20/20 eyesight.
Vision problems can be due to inefficient eye teaming skills, reduced eye focusing skills, or inadequate visual processing skills. We are here to help with these skills! Athletes can also benefit from vision training. Our team of internationally known eye doctors and providers will help you train your eyes to work better and faster to improve your game
Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff will work with you and customize a vision training program based on your specific needs. We will be sure to discuss your program with you and address any concerns you may have. During your sessions, you will experience a multi-sensory approach to vision skill development.
Call us today at (440) 230-0923 to schedule a consultation!
The painting above is hanging at the front of our office & it has a tremendous amount of meaning and tells the story of what we see in so many of our patients. So much so, that we may even see tears from the viewer from time to time.
Back in September, one of our newer patients who had experienced a brain injury left her evaluation with a sense of overwhelm. And I told her the story of the painting.
The man was in a dark place in his life and had been referred to our practice for treatment. As many of our clients can attest, he committed to weekly sessions with the goal of practicing activities each week. When he finished his therapy he proclaimed through his painting that he saw light in his life. And The Vision Development Team had opened his heart and helped him see the world as a brighter happier place. He had learned, through therapy, about hope and success.
We think that our practice provides that for our patients and their families. We have seen many tears and we work hard to ensure that tears of fear and discontent become tears of hope and light and encouragement. And as I explained this story to our patient with the brain injury, tears filled her eyes as she whispered to her husband “that is what I’m looking for.”